Your Lake Worth Beach electric utility is on its way to becoming one of the cleanest and most sustainable electric utilities in the state. On your behalf, we have installed over 60 watts of solar power for each customer, and by 2024 will grow that number to over 1400 watts of solar power per customer, one of the highest commitments in the state of Florida.
We have committed to purchase the output of over 36 Megawatts over twenty years from the Florida Municipal Power Agency’s Solar Project, one of the largest municipal-backed solar projects in the United States with approximately 1.5 million solar panels covering hundreds of acres in Osceola and Orange counties, a sizeable undertaking not possible here in our small city. The project will be completed in two phases, with Phase 1 completed in 2020 and Phase II scheduled for completion in 2023.
Our commitment to clean energy will enable us to provide electricity to our customers which is over 50% free of greenhouse gases by 2024, among the best in the country and Florida. By simply being a customer of your hometown utility, you are helping reduce the use of fossil fuels and their associated greenhouse gas emissions without the need to invest in your own solar equipment.
Customer Owned Solar and Net Metering
Fortunately for you, your Lake Worth Beach electric utility is making the necessary investments and commitments to bring the benefits of solar energy to you without having to buy, own, and operate your own system. We are also keeping our rates stable and competitive with neighboring utilities, and in many cases, lower.
Some of our customers have opted to purchase and install their own solar systems on their roofs. Be aware these systems are expensive and require significant attachments to a roof and wiring to connect to the home or business to withstand hurricane-force winds. In addition, these systems will require owners to keep up with repairs and maintenance over twenty or more years to achieve their desired benefits.
The Lake Worth Beach electric utility has a net-metering program to allow customers who install their own systems to interconnect to us behind the meter. If you choose to install your own system, please make sure that the economics are well explained to you by the salesperson or your own financial advisor, that your installer is properly licensed and familiar with your local building codes, and that you and your installer are well versed in our Net Metering Program. If you have questions, please reach out to us and we will be glad to speak with you.
Can I Choose to have my Utility Deliver Solar Energy to My Home or Business?
Yes, in the near future we plan to give customers the option to have a portion of their electricity delivered to them directly from a solar source without having to make any changes to their homes of businesses. We are designing a rate option that will allow you to select the percentage of solar energy you want to receive, without any investment on your part. We expect this option to be available later in 2023 when our solar projects begin production. Stay tuned!
Meeting Today’s Needs and Building for the Future
Your Lake Worth Beach electric utility remains responsible for providing electric service to all homes and businesses who desire service in our electric territory. We will continue to invest in, operate, and maintain the electric system. Customers expect the electric grid to evolve with the times to better withstand storms; they want smart features and strive for a lower carbon footprint. We are well underway on all of these, with a significant rejuvenation of our electric system in what we refer to as our System Hardening and Reliability Improvement Program or “SHRIP.” Over the past three years, we have invested millions of dollars and raised millions more in bond sales to significantly improve our system reliability to better serve our customers. As we improve the system, we need to make sure our costs are recovered fairly across all customers who benefit from and rely on the electric grid every day.
Whether the sun is shining or not, regardless of how, where, or who is generating that electricity, we are steadfast in providing the lowest cost, most reliable, and cleanest energy in the fairest way possible.
Please note: The Lake Worth Beach electric utility net metering program for customer-owned renewable generation systems has reached its maximum subscription rate and is currently not allowing new interconnections. We anticipate allowing new interconnections pending completion of electric system improvements and regulatory approvals which would allow us to accommodate additional net metered interconnections. For planning purposes customers are advised that new applications will not be processed until January 2023. Please check back her on Citizenownedenergy.com for updates.